
Pontiac Lady's Blue Beauty

1965 coupe in Blue Charcoal – a gorgeous color! Tri-power, automatic, 8-lugs, air, power steering & brakes. Nice ride!

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Stunning 1966 2+2 convertible in Montero Red with red interior. Nicely equipped with air & automatic – a great cruiser!

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Fathom Blue with 8-lugs – great combo on a ’67. Kind of gives a new meaning to BIG Pontiac. Love the license tag!

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1965 Sports Coupe

1965 Sports Coupe in Mayfair Maize. This color was featured in some of the original print ads for the 1965 2+2's. The Parchment interior includes tachometer, automatic console & sports steering wheel.

Engine bay photo reveals a fully optioned car with factory a/c, power steering & brakes, Tri-Power carburetion. Pretty crammed for back-in-the-day (nearly empty by today's standard). There is some disagreement as to whether the 421 emblem on the fan guard is correct for 1965. Some say it only came on the 1966 models. Chime in on the forum with your opinion.

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Teal Turquoise with a Cameo top, 4-speed, Tri-Power, air – what more could you want in a ’65 coupe?

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1965 coupe, Fontaine Blue with Blue Charcoal interior.

Also shown at Raceway Park in Englishtown, NJ, with the Super Shootout group, getting ready to blow the cobwebs off the WH-code 421 engine.

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1986 Aero Coupe

1986 Grand Prix Aero Coupe. Interesting tag – wonder if they dropped a 502" BBC in it?

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1967 coupe with air in Tyrol blue. Last year of the B-body 2+2’s.

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1967 convertible, gold with Parchment interior. Nicely accented with the best ever aftermarket wheel – American Torque Thrusts.

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1965 Sports Coupe

1965 Sports Coupe in Blue Charcoal, red line tires on 8-lug wheels. Beautiful!

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The Pontiac 2+2 Registry and this website were created out of a love for the marque, with the goal of creating a meeting place and source of information for those who share that passion. It's a hobby, not a business, and is being funded by the Webmaster. Many thanks to Don Potter at Garnet Design Group for his generous donation of time and expertise in website development.


I would like to keep this a free site, but would welcome any donations if you choose to lend your support.

Thank You!



This website is a revival and major enhancement of the Pontiac 2+2 Registry formerly run by Larry Kosek. We've accomplished a lot so far, but it's still very much a work in progress! Our ultimate goals are to: 


  • Build and maintain a comprehensive, web-accessible database which will become the authoritative source for information on the Pontiac 2+2


  • Record historical data on the original production specifications for these automobiles


  • Confirm and publish information about the current ownership, location and present state of all known Pontiac 2+2's


  • Provide an Internet-based communications forum for Pontiac 2+2 owners and aficionados



I’ve always considered the 2+2’s to be the ultimate expression of big Pontiac style & performance (for the street, taking nothing away from the Super Duty cars), and view this Registry as a home for like-minded people to communicate.


It's unclear how many 2+2's have survived over the decades, but our mission is to track down and record as many as possible. With that in mind, I ask that you forward any information you may have on 2+2 owners that you know or encounter at car shows, cruise nights, etc.


I’m initially looking for names, e-mail, phone, address, and some basic information about their cars. If they had a Pontiac 2+2 and "let it get away", ask for the new owner’s name and information.


I hope this will turn into a collaborative effort, so please feel free to offer any ideas on how we can make this site more useful and complete.




Jack Anderson 




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Welcome to the Pontiac 2+2 Registry. After a year of work, we are finally “Ready for Prime Time”. This site and the community it represents are dedicated to the gathering and dissemination of information related to Pontiac 2+2's.


About This Site

As the Developer, I wanted to offer a little insight that might enhance your experience here. This site was built around three major software components. All three components have been customized, and then integrated to create what you see here:



If you currently own a Pontiac 2+2, register your car to be able to access all the information and functionality of this website. If you know of someone who owns one, please contact us with any information you have.

Pontiac 2+2

Copyright © 2025 Pontiac 2+2 Registry · Website by  Garnet Design Group